I know I'm posting these lessons rather quickly. That's partly because the first video was really just an introduction and partly because these first couple videos are rather basic. Trust me, things will slow down as we get deeper into the series. Even if you don't find these first few lessons to be that easy, remember you can work on this at your pace.
Also, I can't express the importance of what Bob says regarding typing things exactly the same. But if you think about it, it's not terribly hard. In some ways, it reminds me of the game on cereal boxes and children's menus where you have to find the two things that are exactly the same or the one that doesn't match the rest of the bunch. So it could be said that we've all been training in doing this since we weren't even in school. If you run into a problem with this lesson, just play that game with your code and Bob's code. Be sure to look at your "/" and "\" punctuation, and capitalization. I imagine those are the places most people will make a mistake. If you still can't find the error, share your code in a comment and someone will hopefully find your mistake.
Link to download
To expand on this video, I present this following assignment/challenge: Create a similar program to the "Hello World" program without the video assistance. You may need to reference Bob's code every now and then. That's fine at first. Work to get to the point where you can do it without looking at Bob's code. That will help you drill this info into your head.
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